Tag Archives: Gentile

Mercy That Arises Out of Judgment

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Three times Mark records Jesus leaving Galilee under mysterious circumstances. The first is recorded in Mark 4:35-36 immediately following the Beelzebub Controversy (cp. Mark 3:22-35), where the Jewish authorities from Jerusalem set themselves against Jesus and even his own family trusted the authorities’ conclusions rather than Jesus. The second time Jesus left Galilee under mysterious circumstances immediately followed the death of John the Baptist (Mark 6:25, 28-32), whose disciples first came to Jesus (Matthew 14:12), but ended in rejecting him (John 6:66). Yet, Herod wanted to see him (Luke 9:9), implying Jesus was in danger of the same fate. Now, for a third time Jesus left Galilee suddenly and without Mark specifically saying why. We are left to draw our own conclusions from the hints he gives us in the text. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on July 2, 2022 in Gospel of Mark


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Holiness & Demographics at Thessalonica

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According to Paul (1Thessalonians 4:6-7), believers are called by God to holiness (G38), which is the same Greek word that is translated sanctification in 1Thessalonians 4:3-4 above. There I described our sanctification as practicing equality between Jewish and gentile believers in Christ. This is something that Paul preached, wherever he went (Romans 10:12; 1Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 3:38; Ephesians 6:9-10; Colossians 3:11), and doing such a thing always got him into trouble with the Jewish authorities in the community, where he preached the Gospel. However, this idea would make no sense at all, nor would believers be persecuted for practicing such a thing, if only a few Jews were involved. In other words, if the Christian churches were filled with gentiles, and only a few Jews joined them, persecution wouldn’t make sense. If the doctrine didn’t threaten Judaism, such as it was in the first century AD, why would Jews persecute Jewish believers in Christ for receiving gentile brethren as equals and without their having been circumcised? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on April 4, 2021 in First Thessalonians


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Theophilus and the Infancy Narratives

Infancy Narratives

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One of the problems we are faced with, if we insist Luke’s mention of Theophilus in Luke 1:3 refers to a new gentile believer whose faith needs to be strengthened (Luke 1:4), is that he is very vague about the content of his infancy narratives. For example, Luke mentions the priestly course of Abajah—what does that mean to a gentile. He also mentions offering incense, which to the Jews concerned prayer but not necessarily so for the gentile. Why does Luke do this? However, if we believe Theophilus (Luke 1:3) is an unbelieving Jew who needs proof of that which he has been informed (Luke 1:4), the whole matter needs no further explanation! Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on April 7, 2016 in Gospel of Luke


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Paul and the Doctrine of Circumcision

Nabataeans' commercial roads

Image via Wikipedia

Did you ever wonder how Paul first began to understand the circumcision doctrine that so identified Pauline theology? Well, immediately following his heavenly vision, Paul went into Arabia. More than likely he spent some time in the synagogues in various cities he visited there. Paul already knew the Nabataeans were near relatives to the Jews, descending from Ishmael, the son of Abraham by Hagar, Sarah’s slave. He would have found, if he didn’t know already, Nabataeans were more easily won over as proselytes to Judaism there than in other Gentile countries in the empire. Why was this so? No doubt it was because of the Nabataean’s disposition toward the Jewish practice of circumcision. Being descended from Abraham, circumcision was not rejected, as it was in other Gentile countries. It was already practiced, but not under compulsory conditions as in Judea and Galilee. Nabataeans were more or less indifferent toward the practice.

Paul must have reflected upon this while he was in Arabia. Certainly in the 2 to 2 ½ years he spent there, he had time to familiarize himself with the local customs. Meeting Nabataean proselytes and speaking to Jewish brethren there, circumcision would have been discussed and its ease of acceptance among the Gentiles living there as opposed to the Jew’s western neighbors throughout the Roman Empire. What would Paul have thought about this? Here were people who sporadically practiced the act of circumcision—the sign of righteousness—but were they righteous? By Jewish standards, of course they weren’t. For the Nabataeans, circumcision had lost all its significance. Many had the “sign” of righteousness in their bodies, but that is as far as it had gone. If circumcision was merely an outward sign, meant to indicate a spiritual reality, would the physical act be necessary at all? Thus with further reflection, Paul would remember that Abraham was **declared** righteous before the act of circumcision was performed (Romans 4:9-10)! No doubt it was not a giant leap in understanding for Paul, the rabbi, to see Abraham could then be seen as the father of those who believe—Jews or Gentiles, circumcised or not—because the act of circumcision was merely the “sign” of a deeper spiritual reality.

Paul must have grappled with understanding things like circumcision while he was in Arabia, because from the very beginning of his Gospel—it is there; not so, for the other apostles. Paul had to formulate a foundation for what he would preach to the Gentiles to whom he was sent by the Lord, which we see in Paul’s heavenly vision. Paul may have had some memory of Jesus in Jerusalem and even some idea of the Jesus traditions through disciples he interrogated, but all this was second hand. He had to formulate a clarified foundation for his own mission to the Jews and Gentile sympathizers. This is where his scholarship training at the feet of Gamaliel came into play. It would be only natural for Paul, the rabbi, but under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to question the practice of circumcision as a godly command, while he was yet in Arabia. There he dwelled among those who often practiced the sign of righteousness without it having any spiritual significance in their lives.

Paul’s Gospel is rooted here. His visit to Nabataea was not so much a mission to the Gentiles as it was a mission for the Gentiles. Paul’s visit to Arabia was in reality a mission to Gentiles, yes, but for himself. And, because of what Jesus taught him through the Gentiles there, he could later conclude he was a debtor to them (Romans 1:14).

In Romans, one of Paul’s final letters, we would find him still preaching the very things he considered in these three years between his heavenly vision and his first visit to Jerusalem. His theology wasn’t gradually understood. It was known, accepted and preached by him from the time he first preached it in Damascus and had to run for his life. It is taught from his first letter to the Galatians to his final letter while in prison at Rome. This was “his” Gospel which he learned of the Lord while visiting Arabia immediately after his heavenly vision.

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Posted by on February 4, 2011 in Christianity, New Testament History, Religion


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The New Man

Paul concludes his letter to the Galatians by again presenting a final argument from the positions of the party of the circumcision and those who walk in the Spirit. How does one treat someone who has been overcome in a fault? Is he to be excluded, or made to feel he is not measuring up to the standard of what is expected? Of course not, but this is what we do to such a one, if we point to the Law, as our measure of righteousness. That is a conceited method that offers an impossible challenge to one who is already envious of another’s apparently righteous lifestyle (Galatians 5:26). Nevertheless, holding up oneself as a model is a work of self-deception (Galatians 6:3).

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Posted by on March 17, 2010 in Kingdom Life, Religion


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Stand Fast in Liberty

Paul begins the fifth chapter of his epistle with the idea that it is Jesus who has made us free from sin, and we should stand firm in that freedom and not seek freedom from sin by any other means. Jesus told us that the truth will make us free (Galatians 5:1; John 8:32). However, he later proclaimed that he is not only the Truth but also our Way and our Life, and no one is able to come to the Father except through him, i.e. Jesus (John 14:6). This is what Paul has been trying to get across to the Galatians. It is Christ alone who sets us free from sin (John 8:36), and if it is he who frees us from sin, then our righteousness also comes by Jesus (Romans 6:18). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 15, 2010 in Gospel, Religion


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