The Apostolic Epistles

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The apostolic letters or epistles of the New Covenant text are twenty-one in all. They are arranged into two main divisions: epistles to the gentiles by Paul exclusively (but often with helper whom he names) and epistles to the Jews by Paul, James, Peter, John and Jude. The epistles to the gentiles are also divided into two classes: nine letters to specific churches and four letters to four to specific men who headed one or more churches, and these are called the Pastoral Epistles. The epistles to the Jews can be divided into Letters to Jerusalem (presumably) and that by Paul (Hebrews) and seven letters to the Jews of the Diaspora and that (presumably) to one specific area which is now part of modern Turkey. These, the letters to the Jews of the Diaspora, are probably sent mostly to Jews of the so-called lost tribes of Israel, the ten northern tribes who never returned to their homeland. The Jews of Jerusalem were particularly interested in this area, which can be logically argued that it was because their brethren had wandered here in great numbers.

So, these are my studies concerning those letters. From time to time I may add to what I’ve written here, but I often think of writing studies about the Old Testament and finishing up on my study of the Gospels. So, I really don’t know how much I will add here. I hope all those who come here are challenged and enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed my fellowship in the Lord when I wrote these studies down. Lore bless you all.


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