Patriarchy and the Bible

The Bible has been sometimes referred to as a library as opposed to a book, and that is, probably, a very true, but also an often overlooked, perspective. It is a work that covers thousands of years of history, and is made up of many literary works, including: legal documents, poetry and song, historical records, biographies, letters, prophecy, genealogies and family records, but this doesn’t exhaust all of the literary forms found within the pages of this wonderful work of God and men. So, when we try to derive a doctrine out of the Bible and announce to those who will listen that what we’ve taken from its pages is the truth, we take upon ourselves a grave responsibility. Parts of scripture are more easily expressed in allegory, metaphor and hyperbole, among a host of other figures of speech, because, if written in literal form, God’s words lose their meaning vis-à-vis Lamb of God; the arm of the Lord; the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. Some are a mixture of both literal truth and figures of speech.

In this context, then, is the doctrine of patriarchy truth given by God to men, or is it something men have devised, and the word of God merely reacts to it? If patriarchy is a doctrine derived out of the Bible and represents the truth of God, then modern theologians are correct in saying men should lead, and women should submit. However, if patriarchy is merely a tradition begun by men, and if the word of God only reacts to that tradition but doesn’t support it, then modern theologians are wrong to teach that men should lead and women should submit. What does the word of God really say about this idea? Moreover, as we look into the pages of the Bible, keep in mind that the word of God is the best interpreter of itself. In other words, if we seek to compare scripture with scripture to interpret God’s word, while keeping our own words at a minimum (Deuteronomy 4:2), we shall more clearly come to understand what God says.

  1. Created in the Image of God
  2. Does Mankind Look like God?
  3. Why Did Adam Need a Helper?
  4. What Really Happened in Eden?
  5. Shouldn’t Women Be Silent in the Church?
  6. Are Women Forbidden to Teach Men?
  7. Wives Submit to your Husbands!
  8. The Image and Glory of God
  9. Patriarchy & Complementarianism: Good or Evil?
  10. Paul’s Women Chloe, Priscilla and Phoebe
  11. Paul’s Women Junia, Euodia and Syntyche
  12. What Is the Form of God?
  13. Jesus, Adam and the Image of God
  14. Misogyny a Misrepresentation of the Bible
  15. Does the Bible Teach Patriarchy?
  16. Women Who Changed the Law of Moses!
  17. Women Who Enabled Israel’s Exodus!
  18. Women Saviors!
  19. Who Gets to Say What Is God’s Word?
  20. Matthew’s Women – Tamar
  21. Matthew’s Women — Rahab and Bathsheba
  22. Matthew’s Women — Ruth and Mary
  23. Did the Women of the Bible Ever Preach?
  24. Patriarchy Is an Invention of Men!

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