Tag Archives: begonia

The Smallest of Seeds

from Google Images

At this point I wish to step out of my interpretation of Mark 4 in order to address a problem some seem to have with the text. From one perspective the Parable of the Mustard Seed is very troublesome for some folks. For example, many evolutionists and atheists believe they’ve found proof in Mark 4:31 that Jesus was mistaken, and, therefore, couldn’t be God. After all, begonia, petunia, and wormwood seeds are smaller than the mustard seed, and some orchid seeds are much smaller yet. The Anoectochilus imitans is the smallest known today (length = .05 millimeters). Moreover, “old earth” enthusiasts believe Mark 4:31 is proof, positive, that the Bible can’t be taken literally. Therefore, the Genesis account of creation can’t be literally true either, which is a gigantic leap, if you ask me. Nevertheless, both groups have missed the point of Jesus’ parable. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 26, 2022 in Gospel of Mark


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