Tag Archives: Sumerian text

Are There More than One Book of Job?

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In my previous study, I mentioned two ancient Middle Eastern texts that are similar to the Book of Job, wherein the authors of the texts suffered much and wondered why God would permit such a thing to occur to one who sought so much to obey him. The texts are Dialogue Between a Man and His God, which is an ancient Accadian text, and A Man and His God, which is an ancient Sumerian text. Both works have been compared to the Book of Job by some scholars. I wonder, if it isn’t a bit more than that. What I mean is, do they represent three completely different ancient works, having nothing in common but the desire to know why a righteous God permits human suffering, or do they all have a common source, and, if the latter is true, what would that mean to our study? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on November 6, 2023 in Book of Job


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