Ruling with Christ Through the Gospel

21 Apr
Boss and leadership

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In this study of the seven churches of Revelation 2 & 3, I have been demonstrating that the church of Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29) had been doing well in the business of preaching the Gospel. However, Jesus did find fault with them in the fact that they had been permitting Jewish teachers (Jezebel in the text) to seduce Jesus’ disciples into believing the doctrines of the Jerusalem authorities, whose doctrines, if practiced, made the word of God of no effect upon his people. In so doing, the leaders in Thyatira were permitting those under their care to be removed from the authority and protection of Christ and placing them under the authority of Christ’s enemies at Jerusalem.

In Revelation 2:26 Jesus was still speaking to believers who had been faithful in the business of the Gospel, and had not committed fornication with Jezebel, which meant embracing the teachings of men. In other words Jesus was speaking to those who had ears to hear (verse-29). He, therefore, expected the church to continue to tend to his business of not only preaching the Gospel, but to preserve it and guard it against pollutions of the doctrines of men, and they were to do this until he would come (Revelation 2:25), meaning, until the end of the age. This was the end, about which the Apostles inquired (cf. Matthew 24:3, 6), and it is the same end that Peter claimed was near (1Peter 4:7). So what was not near in Matthew 24:3 had become near by the time of Peter’s first epistle, and was near in Revelation 2:26 as well (cf. Revelation 1:1-3).

According to Revelation 12:11, he who overcomes does so through the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (i.e. the Gospel). Therefore, they who overcome (Revelation 2:26) are promised power or authority over the nations, but what does this mean? I don’t’ believe Jesus is speaking of political power or authority. Rather, he means the kind of power or authority that is exemplified in service (Matthew 20:26; Mark 10:43; Luke 22:26). It is the same power or authority believers in Thyatira exercised in the business of the Gospel, as expressed in the word service or ministry (G1248—see Revelation 2:19).

In Revelation 2:27 Jesus told those who overcome (verse-26) would rule (G4165) the nations. This is the same Greek word Jesus used to tell Peter to feed the Lord’s sheep (John 21:16). It is also used by Paul in his farewell address to the church leaders of Ephesus (Acts 20:28), telling them to feed the flock, that the Holy Spirit has made them overseers. The sense seems to be to rule as a shepherd, i.e. to feed the nations (verse-26) the Gospel, and they would respond.

With the above in mind, the writer of Hebrews says of Jesus: “But unto the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, is forever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom’” (Hebrews 1:8). The rod (G4464) in Revelation 2:27 is the same word as scepter in Hebrews 1:8. The sense is that believers who rule (G4165) the nations will lead by example, i.e. by the rod or scepter (G4464) of righteousness, which will be as iron—i.e. a righteousness that is firm and invincible.

What Jesus means by the nations would be broken in pieces (cf. Daniel 2:44-45) is, no weapon could be formed against his disciples that would be successful. Rather all who rise against the Gospel will be judged (Isaiah 54:17), because although we are men, we don’t fight as men. Neither are our weapons worldly, but mighty through the power of God. In other words we are able to pull down the strongholds of human argument and bring every thought that exalts itself against the Gospel of God into obedience to Christ, our Lord. Believers who overcome, won’t despair over appearances but, rather, trust in the power of God that fills his word (2Corinthians 10:4-7)

According to Psalm 2:6-9, Jesus reigns in Zion (the church) and received all power and authority over the nations at the time of his resurrection. Nevertheless, his Kingdom wasn’t established, until his enemies were removed and made his footstool (Acts 2:34-36), and this didn’t occur until Jesus came in judgment of Jerusalem and the Temple (Matthew 26:64) in 70 AD. Hence, Jesus command in verse-25 to “hold fast what you have until I come,” when they would be rewarded (Revelation 22:12).

Jesus’ promise in Revelation 2:28 was for the one who overcomes (verse-26). The morning star is one of Christ’s titles (Revelation 22:16), and probably means that he who overcomes would have a special relationship with Christ, as far as the Gospel is concerned. His light would be effective and would dispel the darkness at his preaching of the Gospel, but only those who overcome would not walk in darkness, and only they had ears that hear what the Spirit said to the churches (Revelation 2:29).



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Posted by on April 21, 2019 in Apocalypse, Book of Revelation


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