Daily Archives: May 26, 2024

Almighty God, the Revealer of Secrets!

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From my previous studies, it is understood that Arioch, the captain of the guard, was appointed by Nebuchadnezzar to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. However, it also seems obvious that there was a brief grace period in place, before the executions would take place, while a search could be made of the other wise men of Babylon, in an effort to find anyone who might step forward with an explanation of the matter that troubled the king. Daniel did come forward and requested time (Daniel 2:16), probably a single night, whereby he could request an answer from the Lord God of heaven, which the Lord gave Daniel in a dream (Daniel 2:19). Upon receiving an answer from God, Daniel then went to Arioch and asked him to bring him before the king, and he would show him the interpretation. Therefore, the other wise men should not be executed (Daniel 2:24). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 26, 2024 in Daniel


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