Tag Archives: 3rd Temple

The Structure of the Book of Acts ~ Part 1

Acts - 7

from Google Images

In ancient times when a book was a scroll, how was the book put together; more specifically, how was Luke’s Acts put together? Did Luke simply begin writing, stopping only when his work was written? It seems to me, if this were true, error would be rampant and confusing due to themes begun and left unfinished. There must be a better way to write a scroll. As I was reading the Book of Acts, I believe I stumbled upon a possible solution to my own query. I am uncertain if my theory has been put forward by others, but it appears likely that Luke wrote Acts in six parts, and more specifically according to three sets of themes of two parts each. When I stumbled upon this idea I had one of those “Ah-hah!” moments. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on November 8, 2011 in Kingdom of God


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