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Jesus’ Choice

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One of the most surprising things I’ve come to understand in my Bible studies is that I have not chosen Jesus, but he has chosen me (John 15:16).[1] This, of course, is contrary to what I’ve been taught, but nevertheless the word of God claims that Jesus has done the choosing. It puts a different perspective upon my discipleship and what I believe my part in that is. In other words, it removes the reins of my life from my hands and puts them squarely in Jesus’ hands, and to be honest, even my power to respond to his call has come from him (Ephesians 2:8 and Philippians 2:13). This, of course, is getting into theology, and I don’t wish to get too involved there, but what might that look like in flesh and blood? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 31, 2015 in Jesus


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from Google Images

I find it astonishing when I consider Christianity as we know it, today, and Jesus of the first century AD.[1] Christianity today is politically powerful, and the largest religion on the face of the earth. Yet, in the first century Jesus led a little band of followers (Luke 12:32) and had absolutely no political power, even refused to seize it when the opportunity arose (cp. Matthew 26:50-54; John 18:4-18 and John 18:33-37). There is a strange difference between the great power that has been exercised throughout much of Christianity’s history and Jesus who offered a relatively light burden of responsibility and rest for the souls that submit to him (Matthew 11:28-30). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 24, 2015 in Jesus


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