Tag Archives: Dr. Rabbi Zev Farber

Sour Grapes Theology

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When Jesus and his disciples met a blind beggar, as they were leaving the Temple, some of them asked Jesus, if the reason for his being born blind was for his sins or his parents (John 9:1-2). Their question presents a problem on two counts. First, if the disciples question concerns a sin committed by the man prior to his birth, where did this idea come from, since Jews didn’t believe in the transmigration of souls? That’s a Hindu doctrine. Nevertheless, there are some who believe there is evidence in Josephus that Jews tinkered with the idea. However, a closer look reveals Josephus had resurrection in mind, not reincarnation or the transmigration of souls, and resurrection was only for the righteous. So, it is difficult to understand what Jesus’ disciples referred to, if they thought the blind man’s condition was due to his own sins. Perhaps their question was phrased in a manner that expected a negative answer, because the thought was ridiculous, but this is only a guess. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on June 24, 2023 in Gospel of John


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