Tag Archives: end of the age prophet

Prophecy and Free Moral Agency

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In my previous studies in the Book of Daniel, we, more or less, read and considered what historically occurred centuries before the coming of Jesus in the first century AD. Beginning with chapter seven to the end of the book, we will be studying the dreams and visions of Daniel, the prophet, and what that means for us today. That said, and before we get into the study of chapter seven, itself, we need to consider how foretelling the future affects man’s freewill or his free moral agency, which is a gift from God. In other words, is our behavior controlled by the Lord, if the Lord knows our future? One might say, if the Lord knows something is true in the future, then the thing God knows must occur in our timeline. Correct? If this is so, wouldn’t we be nothing more than puppets on a string, which God controls through his knowledge of what will occur? These questions have been asked before. Nevertheless, this ideology is false, because in order for free moral agency to exist at all, even God can’t know what we will do until we do it! At first, that statement sounds blasphemous, but let’s consider it for a moment and see where it takes us. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on June 21, 2024 in Daniel


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