Tag Archives: heavenly things

The Heavenly Kingdom

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As we continue in our study of the third chapter of John’s Gospel, we need to ask ourselves whether or not verse-13 and following are Jesus’ words or the Gospel narrator’s words. Red letter Bibles make John 3:13-21 Jesus’ words. However, Jesus claimed it wasn’t possible for Nicodemus or the Jewish authorities, whom Nicodemus claimed to represent, to understand the heavenly things or the “secret things that belong to the Lord” (Deuteronomy 29:29). If this is so, why would Jesus then go on in John 3:13-21 to explain to Nicodemus the heavenly things he couldn’t understand? If this argument is logical and true, then what is claimed to be Jesus’ words would more properly belong to John’s later commentary, which explains to John’s readers what Jesus meant by heavenly things, or those secret things that weren’t available for man’s consideration at the time of Nicodemus’ discussion with the Lord. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 11, 2023 in Gospel of John


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