Tag Archives: man's portion

Reality Isn’t Always What It Appears to Be

In the previous chapter we were left with the idea that wickedness prevailed in positions of power (Ecclesiastes 3:16). Yet, the Teacher concluded that there was nothing better for man than to enjoy the moment and take pleasure in his labor, because this was his portion (Ecclesiastes 3:22) or gift from God (Ecclesiastes 3:13). However, the Teacher also claimed that the Lord is the final Judge in the end, and nothing done in wickedness would go unpunished (Ecclesiastes 3:17). In other words, God is the ultimate comforter of the oppressed (Ecclesiastes 4:1), but how this transpires is the subject of the current study in chapter four. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on November 22, 2022 in Book of Ecclesiastes


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