Tag Archives: Surtsey

Richard Dawkins and Marsupial Migration

Marsupials (Image from Google Images)

(Image from Google Images)

It seems odd, don’t you think, that brilliant men, such as Richard Dawkins, could make glaring errors in thinking. I would expect that an uneducated person, such as myself, would overlook data that would answer my questions, but surely brilliant men who are among the ‘movers and shakers’ of our world wouldn’t overlook these things purposely. Would they? Perhaps that’s the answer. Perhaps, if all the facts were clear, it would look more like a deliberate error was made, but why? Could it be a worldview matter—you know—the “I’m expressing my worldview, and I am not about to lend any logical reason for yours while I’m doing so” sort of thing. Surely, this must be the reason for such glaring errors in Richard Dawkins video on YouTube. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on September 22, 2013 in Kingdom of God


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