Daily Archives: March 4, 2024

Where Can Wisdom Be Found?

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Job actually repeats the same question he asked in Job 28:12. He asks the friends: “But wisdom – where does it come from? Where is the place of understanding?” (Job 28:20 – NET). He has already shown that wherever wisdom comes from, it is not something that can be acquired by working the earth. Men are simply impotent to discover it, or to acquire it through their own efforts. However, why was it important for Job to point this out. Probably, the friends technically knew that wisdom isn’t something men could acquire at will, so why would Job be making a point about something the friends already knew? No doubt, this has something to do with the fact that the friends couldn’t convince Job of wickedness. In other words, they technically lost the debate. If they hadn’t the ability to make their point, then obviously Job was wiser than they, and if this is so, not only had Job proved he wasn’t wicked, but he had proved the friends’ argument wrong through the wisdom that is not of this earth! Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 4, 2024 in Book of Job


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