Tag Archives: masculine singular pronouns

Does the Bible Teach Patriarchy?

from Google Images

Actually, the Bible is unapologetically a male centered work. In other words, it was written down by men. It was consecrated and canonized by males, and it, therefore, characterizes their understanding of the issues and events that took place in antiquity, and even those very stories were chosen from what they considered important. Thus, patriarchy, didn’t originate with the Bible. How could it have, since patriarchy predates the Bible, as written by Moses (first) and by prophets and wise men after him? In fact, patriarchy existed in places that never heard of what Moses and other men wrote down in the Bible. Therefore, it would be more accurate to say that the Bible reacts or responds to patriarchy, instead of originating it. So, if God didn’t invent patriarchy, does he at least approve it? Actually, no! he does not, and I believe we are able to clearly see this by reading the text as an unbiased student. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on October 24, 2023 in Patriarchy


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