Tag Archives: Synoptics

It Is Finished!

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John doesn’t mention several events that occurred that day, which are recorded in the Synoptics. The fourth Gospel was probably the last narrative written about Jesus, so John would have known what was recorded in the other Gospel narratives. Therefore, what we find in this Gospel reflect the thoughts and choices John made to compile his witness of Jesus’ life. John is very different from the Synoptics, in that many events here are not recorded there, and vice versa. For example, John doesn’t speak of the darkness that covered the land, but he is the only writer who records the presence of Jesus’ mother and what Jesus did to care for her in his absence. Moreover, he doesn’t record the earthquake that caused the veil of the Temple to be torn from top to bottom, but he does record the words he said, when he cried out aloud. He made choices both to leave out what was already recorded, unless what was said elsewhere was absolutely essential to what he wanted to say in his own account, and he made choices to add what he knew occurred that the Synoptics left out. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on September 24, 2023 in Gospel of John


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The World Has Gone After Him!

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Most Bible students (scholars included) believe the, so called, Triumphal Entry occurred just after Jesus arrived on top of Mount Olives, as he came from Jericho (Matthew 21:1-9; Mark 1:1-11), but this isn’t so. Moreover, most Bible students (scholars included) believe there was only one entry into Jerusalem, while he was seated “on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Matthew 21:5) but neither is this so! Actually, Jesus came into the eastern gate of Jerusalem in this manner three times that week. The first time, recorded by Matthew, was from Jericho. The second time, the Triumphant Entry (so called) was from Bethany, and this one was recorded by John (John 12:12-19), but on his way he cursed the fig tree (Mark 11:12-14). When he entered the city, he cast out the money changers from the Temple for the second time (Mark 11:15-19). The first time occurred when he came from Jericho (cp. Matthew 21:12-13), after which he went to Bethany (Matthew 21:17; cp. Mark 11:11). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on July 30, 2023 in Gospel of John


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Mark and the Other Synoptics


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What makes a “Q” Gospel necessary? All scholars admit that there is absolutely no hard evidence for “Q”. In fact, some scholars are uncomfortable with “Q” and actually prefer replacing it with a “Mark First” position. Nevertheless, if an oral tradition is presumed, there is absolutely no reason not to allow any one of the Gospel narratives to be the first written account. A known “oral” tradition makes “Mark First” unnecessary. It would also make “Q” unnecessary. Would it not? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on January 24, 2012 in Textual Criticism


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